Thursday, March 8, 2007


Installation week is always a rollercoaster ride - Will the artwork make it up on the walls in time? Will people like the show? Will the staff all get so stressed out that we all catch the flu? Installation week after a major event like the Art Auction has even more anxious excitement to it. That's why we need to party when this week is done. On Friday night at 7:30pm we will have our opening reception for Phyllis Grant's Contemporary Observations in Photos, Drawings and Music Inspired by Patterns, Forces and Beats in Nature, Heather Goodchild's From Some Wilderness Place, the AGSM Instructor's Show, and Amber Andersen's Homesick. Phyllis and Heather will talk about their work that night and then musician Doug Paisley will perform a few tunes. Afterwards, at 9pm we'll all head over to the Brandon Friendship Centre Bingo Hall (205 College) for some hip hop by MO3 (Phyllis) and Bo Schowz (our own Jimmy). Should be fun and it's been great working with Jason from the MMF and John from BFC to pull it together. Come on out and bring your friends! There'll be door prizes (a CD player and an MP3 player!) and free coffee. No joke. And if you know anyone who is into hip hop or spoken word, and would like to perform, give us a call at the gallery 727.1036. After this week, we need to party and we need you to help...
Phyllis Grant/MO3:
Heather Goodchild:
Doug Paisley:
Bo Schowz:
Brandon Friendship Centre:
Manitoba Metis Federation:

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